Lockout down to the wire ... again

When the NFL owners and players announced last week they were extending their contract negotiations by one more week, it seemed like a positive move.

But I've seen glaciers move faster than these guys. Compared to their speed, dripping molassas would win a footrace by a mile. Are they even talking in there? Or are they just playing tic-tac-toe? Showing each other photos of their kids? Taking naps?

Turns out one more week of negotiations really meant one more week of seemingly no progress. But there is one light: according to sports business expert Mark Granis, the two sides are "not so far apart," they're roughly hashing out where the remaining 7 percent of the league revenue goes.

OK ... but that's still nearly $800 million. Meanwhile, the arguments are still the same. The union wants a full accounting of team finances in fully audited statements; the league has resisted that demand. The league and owners want an 18-game season and a rookie salary cap; the union wants more security for its veterans.

They've been talking about the same stuff since last summer. In most cases, any judge would declare a hung jury at this point. If they were to announce another bargaining extension when this one expires -- 5 p.m. on Friday -- should we really expect it to help?

Let's hope that for the first time ever there is actually no one leaking to the press and they really are getting something done in there. You know, between tic-tac-toe games and baby photos.